When the Last Tree Falls, 2008
Graphite on paper
22 x 32.75 inches

Not a Plan has Gone Astray, 2008
Graphite and collage on paper
52 x 66 inches

The Splitting of Reality in Two Parts is a Considerable Event, 2009
Graphite and collage on paper
52 x 66 inches

He Results As Cause of Himself, 2010
Aqua-resin, gesso, graphite, steel, wood, glass, linen
40 x 57 x 28.75 inches

He Results As Cause of Himself, 2010 (detail)
Aqua-resin, gesso, graphite, steel, wood, glass, linen
40 x 57 x 28.75 inches

Dominic McGill, FuturePerfect, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Ideology Has No History, 2009
Graphite and collage on paper, mounted to canvas
78 x 96 inches

Desert of the Real, 2009
Graphite and collage on paper, mounted to canvas
78 x 74 inches

in collaboration with Dr. Murat Cem Menguc
Muqaddimah, 2009-10
Graphite on paper mounted on canvas
80” x 20’ 8”

in collaboration with Dr. Murat Cem Menguc
Muqaddimah, 2009-10 (interior view)
graphite on paper mounted on canvas
80 x 248 inches