The Karmapa in NYC, 2010
Oil on linen
30 x 22 inches

Red, 2010
Oil on linen
32 x 22 inches

Me in ‘83, 2010
Oil on linen
30 x 22 inches

Andrew in the Proust Room for our 40th Birthdays, 2010
Oil on linen
22 x 30 inches

Flag, 2010
Oil on linen
36 x 48 inches

Empire, 2010
Oil on linen
64 x 48 inches

The New Yorker, 2010
Oil on linen
24 x 36 inches

38th and 10th, 2010
Oil on linen
40 x 72 inches

Me in the Proust Room for our 40th Birthdays, 2010
Oil on linen
22 x 30 inches

K and A Ranch, Meadbrook, CA, 2010
Oil on linen
36 x 48 inches

Our Wedding, July 22, 2008, Meadbrook, CA, 2010
Oil on linen
24 x 32 inches

America, 2010
Oil on linen
44 x 70 inches

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Keith Mayerson, My Modern Life, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York