Untitled, 2018
Chinese baby hat, metal welder glove, wooden bases
42 x 21 x 21 inches

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Nancy Shaver, A part of a part of a part, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Tapestry #3, 2018
19 "blockers", 15 Mola blouses, 18 "Sentinels", "A Yellow Dress" (1989), Seminole dress, Nutty Girl shirt, 2 boys' t-shirts, "Child's Dress" (1973-74), "He Said Listen" (1989-91), "China" (2018)

Looking for a cup of coffee, 2015-18
found base, metal rod, wooden blocks, fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic
35.5 x 11.5 x 12 inches

9 Block, 4 Square, 2013
wooden blocks, fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic, house paint, oil pastel
15 x 23 x 18 inches

Drawing #30 - Light and Air, 2017-18
found spool structures, metal rods, wire, masonite panels
67 x 69 x 26 inches

Collections - Love and work, 2017-18
collection of evening bags, handmade snow shovel, baby hats (China, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan), panel of drawer knobs, tin can covers, metal rods, plumbing parts, wooden platforms
44.5 x 87.5 x 58 inches

Abstraction and figuration #1, 2017-18
mass produced products, wooden platform
14.5 x 49.5 x 21.5 inches

China, 2017
Chinese baby hat, boot, plumbing parts
24 x 8.5 x 7 inches

Ladies' Red, Yellow, Blue, 2016
Wooden blocks, dress fabric, Flashe acrylic, house paint
10.5 x 10.5 x 3.25 inches

A panoply of fashion, 2017
wooden blocks, dress fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic
14.25 x 14 x 3.25 inches

The Naples Yellow Flower, 2018
wooden blocks, dress fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic, house paint
10.75 x 10.5 x 3.25 inches

A luxury of red, 2018
wooden blocks, dress fabric, Japanese fabric, red scarf, paper, Flashe acrylic
10.5 x 10.75 x 3.25 inches

Confusion shines, 2017
wooden blocks, dress fabric, tin foil, paper, Flashe acrylic, oil pastel
14 x 14 x 3.25 inches

Central flower, 2018
wooden blocks, dress fabric, plaid fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic
10.5 x 10.5 x 3.25 inches

Refrigerator white, 2016
Wooden blocks, Flashe acrylic, house paint
10.25 x 10.25 x 3.25 inches

Aspects of denim #3, 2016
wooden blocks, denim, work clothes, Japanese fabric, paper, Flashe acrylic
10.75 x 10.75 x 3.25 inches

Sentinel, 2018
wooden blocks, fabric, found spool, plumbing parts
12 x 16.25 x 2.5 inches

Sentinel, 2018
wooden blocks, fabric, found spool, plumbing parts
19.75 x 25 x 10 inches

Sentinel, 2018
wooden blocks, fabric, found spool, plumbing parts
28 x 11.5 x 5.25 inches

Sentinel, 2018
wooden blocks, fabric, found spool, plumbing parts
12.25 x 23.75 x 5.5 inches

Sentinel, 2018
wooden blocks, fabric, found spool, plumbing parts
19.75 x 11 x 3 inches