Good Weather (Glass House), 2014
glass, steel, screenprint ink, acrylic and latex paint, construction adhesive, wood floor, lights, wires
175 x 223 x 126 inches

Good Weather (Glass House), 2014
glass, steel, screenprint ink, acrylic and latex paint, construction adhesive, wood floor, lights, wires
175 x 223 x 126 inches

Good Weather (Glass House), 2014 (interior view)

Rob Fischer, Good Weather, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Blue Luggage, 2014
glass, steel, screen print ink, acrylic and latex paint, construction adhesive
46.5 x 38 x 6.25 inches

Architectural Backpack, 2014
glass, steel, screen print ink, acrylic and latex paint, construction adhesive
51.625 x 27.5 8.5 inches
Architectural Backpack, 2014

Vice Versa II, 2014
glass, steel, screen print ink, acrylic and latex paint, construction adhesive
50.5 x 70 x 5 inches

Good Weather (Glass House), 2014 (interior view)

Good Weather (Glass House), 2014 (interior view)