Evan Greenfield
The Physical Impossibility of Life in the Mind of Someone Dead, 2009
Foam, wood, skeleton, cheeseburger, arrow
74 x 48 x 6 inches

Jessica Jackson Hutchins, installation view at Derek Elller Gallery, New York

Jesse Bercowetz
From Park Avenue to Park Bench, 2009
Mixed media
82 x 79 x 65 inches

David Kennedy Cutler
Geologies, Phenomenologies, Apologies, 2009
Archival inkjet print, plexiglass, ashes in acrylic medium, ground & grated compact discs, heat-fused compact discs
2 units: 44 x 57.5 x 10 inches /each

Daniel Gordon
Legs, 2009
39.75 x 50.33 inches
edition 1 of 3

Ethan Breckenridge
Too Soon? (07/09/09), 2009
Glass, two-way mirror, commercial building materials, potted plant
37 x 24.5 x 24.5 inches

Liz Magic Laser
Mine, 2009
Single channel video
Running time: 22 minutes
Produced via the da Vinci Surgical System
Edition of 1of 5

Whiting Tennis (from left)
Structure with String, 2009
Cardboard collage
9 x 6.5 inches
Monitor, 2009
Cardboard collage
9 x 6 inches
Green Tank, 2009
Cardboard collage
9 x 11.5 inches
Doodle in Relief, 2009
Cardboard collage
9 x 6 inches