Have You Found... The Lost Hawaiians?, 2006
acrylic, ink and gel pen on paper
98 x 130 inches

Have You Found... The Lost Hawaiians? (detail), 2006
acrylic, ink and gel pen on paper
98 x 130 inches

Black's the Colour, Watch the Claws (detail), 2006
ink on paper
drawing 5 of 24, 4 x 6 inches

Black's the Colour, Watch the Claws (detail), 2006
ink on paper
drawing 18 of 24, 4 x 6 inches

Dance To the Poetry, 2006
acrylic, ink and gel pen on paper
40 x 30 inches

Black's the Colour, Watch the Claws (detail), 2006
ink on paper
drawing 21 of 24, 4 x 6 inches

Black's the Colour, Watch the Claws (detail), 2006
ink on paper
drawing 22 of 24, 4 x 6 inches

This Town is Our Town, 2006
acrylic, ink and gel pen on paper
40 x 30 inches

Demons Are Real, 2006
acrylic, ink and gel pen on paper
123.25 x 125.125 inches

The Ant and the Scratching Hand, 2006
ink on paper
12 x 9 inches